October 2022 - Painting A Day Challenge

Posted by Janelle Cunningham on

Happy October 1st! Painting A Day is BACK!
All month long in September I have been gathering ideas, sketching, preparing panels, and working on a special project with my husband, all in preparation for my Painting a Day challenge! Now just incase you are wondering what the heck is this and why I would be so excited about it, for the past 3 years in October I have challenged myself to paint one painting a day. I have seen so much growth in skill and confidence whenever I attempt this challenge, and I just really enjoy the process. You guys seem to really enjoy watching it as well. I never limit myself by following painting prompts, instead, I simply paint whatever I feel inspired to that day. This year I hope to paint lots of paintings of Christ and florals of course, but also paintings of Motherhood, Fatherhood, general paintings with family themes, some still life’s, and I would especially love to practice my landscapes. Expect to see some English countryside landscapes! I have been drawn to them lately, as there is something so comforting and cheerful about them. Now, I am not a digital artist by any means, but I thought It would be fun to share just a few of my sketches with you, to maybe get an idea on what is to come.
Going along with previous years, all paintings I paint this month will be available for purchase. Something new I am incorporating this year: all paintings painted on wooden panels will come with a handmade wooden frame made by my husband Jeremy! I have been blessed with such a talented husband with an eye for quality. These floater frames will be hand-cut, sanded, lightly stained and will have hanging hardware already installed! All you’ll need to do is choose which wall to hang it on. The price stated for each piece painted on wooden panels will include the price of the frame.
How the Painting A Day Challenge works, and how to purchase: 
Everyday I will paint one painting, while sharing my process on Instagram. The painting will then be available for purchase the next day when I post the painting on my Instagram feed. Be the first to comment “SOLD” on the post and the painting will be yours! I will then DM you and we will get payment squared away. People are encouraged to comment “in line” in case the sale goes through. Paintings that receive a lot of interest have the possibility of having prints produced from them. So even if a painting you love has sold please take the time to make a comment and let me know you love it! I will prepare and ship all paintings after the painting a day challenge has ended in the beginning of November.
Be aware, these paintings always go quick! You may want to turn on post notifications on Instagram and through your phone to be notified when I create a post.

Cannot wait to get started!

Important Dates

October 1st - 31st: Painting A Day Challenge
October 30th: My Birthday! Instagram Giveaway

You may have missed..

Preparing for Painting A Day

Watch this reel of my Painting a Day prep, including appearances made by my husband Jeremy! Check it out here.

New Originals Still Available!

A few originals released during my reopening are still available for purchase! Check here to view.

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