In August 2020 I decided to start a new art project that would forever change my life. For one year I studied one women in the scriptures every month, and then painted her. This experiment helped me have a deeper understanding of these women who lived long ago, and gave me a greater perspective on a women role in God's kingdom. Here you can find all of my paintings from the series, as well as a few of my thoughts and the recourses I used and was given to me by others. I hope these resources can help you as it did me.
I am always looking for more info and resources of these incredible women. If you have any great resources that are not in this list I would love to know about them! You can contact me here, message me on Instagram, or send me an email at!
Eve - The Mother of All Living
Eve is forever remembered for partaking of the forbidden fruit. Although this moment in our history was an important one, I know Eves purpose does not end with this one moment. On the contrary, this single moment was just the beginning of her divine purpose, and fulfilled what i believe to be one of her greatest desires: to be a mother. For this painting I felt inspired not to portray her in the garden with the forbidden fruit, but instead pregnant, with the anticipation of bringing new life into the world.
I cant imagine what being a mother during Adam and Eve’s time would be like. Raising children all while having to face the hardships they endured and experiencing things that no one else had experienced on our earth before; It would take so much strength and courage. Just a few of the qualities I know Eve had. Who better than Eve to show us all the greatest example of motherly love and sacrifice.
In the scriptures: Moses 3:15-5:12, D&C 138:39
"5 Things Every Latter-day Saint Should Know About Mother Eve"
"Eve and the Choice Made in Eden" By Beverly Campell
"Eve and Adam: Discovering the Beautiful Balance" by Melinda Wheelwright Brown
"Lessons From Eve" Talk by Russell M. Nelson
Queen Esther
If you asked me what my favorite scripture story was growing up, without a doubt it was the story of Esther. Not only because she was one of the only women with a whole book named after her, but I looked up to her and saw the greatest example of faith and courage. I imagined she was something like Wonder Women; incredibly gorgeous but also a freaking bad-a without a trace of fear when faced with adversity.
Although she was a literal superhero in her day, my view of her has changed slightly. Now when I read her story I picture an everyday girl trying to do her best, someone who has been through a lot of hardships and difficult situations. She lost her parents at a young age, then later taken into court, placed in a environment completely new all while concealing her culture and heritage from those around her, including the king. She must have felt so alone at times. And facing the king when it could have meant her death? TERRIFYING. I know she was led by the spirit and her heavenly parents to guide her and give her strength to face her fears. If the 1000s of episodes of Daniel Tiger I’ve seen have taught me anything, its that being scared is a part of having courage, and that with a little help you can be brave.
In the Scriptures: The Book of Esther
"Crowned In Charity and Power"
"For Such a time as This" Mary Ellen Smoot General Conference October 1997
"Having Courage & Trusting the Lord: Stand Up for What You Believe In."
The Woman at the Well
What strikes me about the Woman at the Well was who she was. Not only was she a Samaritan Woman, but she was an outcast. This was the person Jesus came to minister to first as The Christ, and it was by no mistake! He was not thirsty when he came to the well that day. He came for her. He chose her.
For this particular painting, I chose to paint her by herself looking off the canvas at what we can imagine is Jesus as he reveals to her that he is the Christ. What was she feeling in this moment?! I can only assume it was the kind of pure happiness one can’t describe.
In the Scriptures: John 4
"The Real Woman at the Well" by Lynn Cohick
"Women at the Well" song by Kenneth Cope
In the Scriptures: 1 Nephi 11:13-18, Alma 7:10, Luke chapters 1 and 2.
"The Christ Child: A Nativity Story"
"Mary, The Mother of Jesus" by Gaye Strathern
"Following Mary's Example" By Becky Craven
"Mary did you Know" Song sung by Pentatonix
Ruth and Naomi
Let me tell you just how much I love Ruth and Naomi! Their story is one of loyalty, sisterhood, devotion, and family.
Both Ruth and Naomi are unique in their own way. Ruth, caring and diligent. Naomi, who went on in faith despite her bitterness. Together they went through terrible tragedy, losing people they love, and then went on to live a harsh life, all while cleaving onto each other. When I read their story I felt their love for each other. Because of this, I knew I wanted to portray them together in one painting.
It was because of their devotion to each other that their lineage was restored. If Ruth decided to go back to her home, if Naomi hadn’t urged Ruth to pursue Boaz, Obed wouldn’t have been born. God was in the inner workings of their lives, he blessed them, and restored their lineage. A lineage which brought us king David, and also, our Savior.
In the Scriptures: The Book of Ruth
"The Mess that Made the Christmas Manger" video by Sistas in Zion
"The Bond of Charity" Talk by Barbara B. Smith
“And it came to pass that she went and took the queen by the hand, that perhaps she might raise her from the ground; and as soon as she touched her hand she arose and stood upon her feet, and cried with a loud voice, saying: O blessed Jesus, who has saved me from an awful hell! O blessed God, have mercy on this people!” Alma 19:29
Abish quietly lived her life in righteousness among the Lamanites. I imagine her silently praying, worshiping in the safety of her own home so that others might not see her. Hiding her faith that is, until her moment to share the gospel finally came! She recognized her opportunity and acted when the time was right, and she did this more than once! Abish was crucial in the conversion of her people, and many were able to learn of the gospel and live in righteousness because of her.
In the Scriptures: Alma 19
"Ammon Serves and Teaches King Lamoni" Book of Mormon Video on
The Woman with the Issue of Blood
In the Scriptures: Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:43-48
"Reach Up to Him in Faith" YouTube video by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Adulterous Woman.
In the Scriptures: John 8:1-11
"6 Lessons Learned from the Woman Caught in Adultery"
"Go and sin no more" YouTube video by the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints
Tabatha also known as Dorcas
Tabatha was known for her charitable and good works. When she died, she had a multitude of Women and loved ones who mourned for her. Although I believe that it was a miracle when Peter rose her from the dead, I also believe that God did many miracles through Tabatha while she was alive. She showed her love for God and her people by sewing clothes for those who needed them. I am inspired by Tabatha‘s service, and I want to use my talents in helping others. Although I am still trying to figure out the best way to help others while being a busy mom, I know that by small and simple works we can be examples of Christ.
In the Scriptures: The Acts 9:36-43
"Be Thou An Example" Talk by President Thomas S. Monson
"Tabitha" Article By Allisa White
Mothers of the Stripling Warriors
The story of the stripling warriors is one of a generation of hardship, of brave and righteous young men who fought in battle and all where spared. It is also about those boys mothers. Mothers who taught them to have faith and love the lord.
To my fellow mothers: We are doing incredible things in our own home. It is the small and simple things we do everyday that strengthens our children and prepares them for the battles they will face in their lives.
In the Scriptures: Alma 56:45-48, 57:21-26
"Stripling Mothers and Daughters" McArthur Krishna
"5 Scripture Lessons from the Mothers of the Strippling Warriors"
Mary Magdalene
After the Savior healed her, Mary Magdalene became a faithful follower, leader, and disciple of Jesus. She was a prominent witness during Christ’s ministry, and when Christ was crucified, Mary was there. When they laid his body in the tomb, she was there. She was one of the first to find the tomb empty, and after meeting Jesus after he was resurrected, she ran to spread the news and share her testimony of him.
Not only is Mary is one of the greatest examples of devotion to our Savior, but for me, she is proof of the importance of Women’s leadership and influence in our lives.
In the Scriptures: Matthew 27:55–61; 28:1–10; Mark 15:40–47; 16:1–11; Luke 8:1–3; 24:1–12; John 19:25; 20:1–18.
“Woman, Why Weepest Thou?” General Conference Talk by James E. Faust
"Mary Magdalene—Tower of Strength" Ensign Article by Margot Hovley
"What We Know about Mary Magdalene" Article by Camille Fronk Olson
Emma Smith
I consider this painting just the start of my research and reflection of Emma because I haven’t even scratched the surface of our knowledge of her. She did so many incredible things during her life and played such a crucial part in the restoration of the church, this church that I love. And she endured trials. Many, many trials. Emma had to be one of most trusting, patient, enduring people to get through so many horrific things and so much heartache.
I love her dearly and I can’t wait to continue my study of this elect lady.
In the Scriprures: Doctrine and Covenants 25.
"If Thou Art Faithful” General Womens address by Gordon B. Hinckley
“The Elect Lady: Emma Hale Smith,” Ensign Article by Valeen Tippetts Avery and Linda King Newell
"My Great-Great-Grandmother, Emma Hale Smith" Ensign Article by: Gracia N. Jones