I recently have had the amazing opportunity to have a piece of art in Work and Wonders April 2020 general conference workbook! This was an artist submission edition of the workbook which means that a handful of artists were selected to participate, but only after the artists submitted work to be voted on and considered. In the past, submitting a piece of artwork for something like this was something I would not have had the courage to do. I’ve often struggled with having confidence in my work and sharing with others (a huge reason I started sharing on Instagram in the first place) but I’ve been pushing myself to go out of my comfort zone. I’m proud of myself to say the least.

My piece, titled “Brightness and Glory” is shown in the Table of Content page and depicts the first vision. Here you can read my artist statement about the piece:
“After hearing President Nelson’s closing remarks last October, I knew I wanted to create something that would celebrate the bicentennial year. What better way than to paint the very event that started it all. As someone who has struggled with dyslexia, words do not come to me easily. Painting is how I can share my testimony, and to honor the things that mean so much to me. It is with this painting that I share my testimony of Joseph Smith. Because of him, that he had the desire to know the truth, and because all of his work and sacrifice, I have a deeper understanding of Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ”
This book? It is so incredibly beautiful. And I’m not just talking about the amazing artwork inside, I’m talking about the design, layout, all of the info and guides, you can just tell so much time and love has been put into this workbook. I cannot wait to use it for general conference this April. It is such an honor to be apart of this book along with so many amazing artists.
Work and Wonder is an incredible business that offers many gospel related resources to help you in your study. Find their website here.